Юридические аспекты

  • Legal information

    You are currently connected to the Balmoral International website.
    Company name: Balmoral Intl, SAS with capital of €100,000 – RCS Lyon 830 418 950, Siret: 830 418 950 00010 Intra-community VAT: FR42830418950 – APE code: 4649Z
    Phone number : +33 4 13 95 06 71 / Email: marketing@balmoralintl.com
    Published by : Xavier Bessard
    Design by : ACTI.fr

    Intellectual property rights

    Pol’Hop is a registered trademark of SAS Balmoral International

    Limits of liability

    Balmoral International is not responsible for and has no control over links pointing to this site, nor links established to other sites and their content.

    IT and Freedom

    You have a right of access, modification, rectification and deletion concerning the data collected on this site, under the conditions provided for by article 38 of the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978. To use it , please contact the following address:
    BALMORAL INTL SAS 136 Chemin du Moulin Carron, 69130 Écully
    or send an email at marketing@balmoralintl.com

    Personal Data, GDPR, Privacy Policy

    1. We only collect data that is necessary for the proper functioning of our service.
    2. Your data is protected within ultra-secure servers.
    3. You decide whether or not to communicate with us and what we do with your data. You decide whether or not we can communicate with you, and what we do with your data.
    4. We do not communicate your personal data externally.

    We only collect data that is essential for the proper functioning of our service and/or that is necessary for commercial prospecting purposes. We will never collect data without your consent
    The data in question are the name and contact details of our client (you), and the receiver(s) (including the email address and the content of what you send).
    Why ? We need this data to fulfill our part of the contract.

    Statistics providers

    All these service providers only have access to the data they need to provide you with the best service. All these service providers undertake to protect the data that we transmit to them in an ultra-secure manner and to use them only within the strict framework of our contracts. Your data is valuable. Our technical teams have implemented ultra-secure systems, such as encryption, authentication or fraud detection protocols.

    About advertisements:

    Marketing messages on BALMORAL INTERNATIONAL news may be sent to you by e-mail. You can stop receiving marketing messages from us at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link present in each of the marketing message e-mails sent, or by contacting our customer service directly: marketing@balmoralintl.com

    Targeted advertisements

    You may be targeted by BALMORAL INTERNATIONAL for commercial prospecting purposes and through the use of cookies on third-party sites and/or on social networks. You can stop seeing these advertisements at any time. On social networks (Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn), you can configure very easily in your account settings.